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조지아 상원선거: 민주당은 Warnock와 Ossoff 의 승리로 승기를 잡았다, Democrats take control with Warnock and Ossoff wins 본문
조지아 상원선거: 민주당은 Warnock와 Ossoff 의 승리로 승기를 잡았다, Democrats take control with Warnock and Ossoff wins
매일한시간 2021. 1. 7. 18:54
사진, 기사 출처 : www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-55556928
The Democratic Party of US President-elect Joe Biden has won control of the Senate - and of Congress overall - with two victories in the state of Georgia.
Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff defeated Republican incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue respectively.
Democrats will control the Senate, the House of Representatives and the White House for the first time since 2009.
An estimated four million Georgians turned out to vote in the run-off election.
Raphael Warnock 과 Jon Ossoff는 각각 공화당 의원인 Kelly Loeffler 와 David Perdue에 승리했다.
민주당은 2009년 이후 처음으로 상,하원과 백악관을 장악했다. 400만명으로 추정되는 조지아주민들은 2차투표에 투표한 것으로 드러났다.
The result is a severe blow for outgoing Republican President Donald Trump.
The Georgia election was rerun because none of the candidates in the November general election achieved the 50% needed for victory under state rules.
이 결과는 퇴임하는 트럼프대통령에겐 심각한 타격이다. 조지아 선거는 11월 총선거가 법률에서 요구한 50%를 달성한 지원자가 없어서 재실시되었다.
Mr Warnock, a Baptist pastor, becomes the first black senator for Georgia - a slavery state in the US Civil War - and only the 11th black member of the Senate in US history.
침례교 목사인 Warnock은 남북전쟁 시 노예주였던 조지아에서 첫 흑인 상원의원이 되었고 미국 역사상 11번째 흑인 상원의원이다.
Mr Warnock paid tribute to his mother, Verlene, who as a teenager worked as a farm labourer.
"The other day - because this is America - the 82-year-old hands that used to pick somebody else's cotton went to the polls and picked her youngest son to be a United States senator," he said.
Warnock은 10대에 농장 노동자였던 어머니께 공을 돌렸다. "예전에는 다른 사람의 면을 땄던 82세가 된 손이 투표장에 가서 막내아들을 미 상원의원으로 뽑았습니다."라고 말했다.
What does this mean?
With the result in Georgia, the Democrats and the Republicans will now each have 50 seats in the Senate, the upper house of Congress.
However, the incoming Democratic vice-president, Kamala Harris, will preside over the Senate once she takes office and will have the tie-breaking vote.
This gives the Biden administration a greater chance of achieving its agenda on issues such as healthcare and climate change.
The Senate also has the power to approve or reject Mr Biden's nominees for cabinet and judicial posts.
조지아 주의 결과로 민주당과 공화당은 상원에서 각가 50석을 가졌다.
그러나, 취임할 민주당 부통령은 사무실을 떠난 뒤에 상원을 주재할 것이고 균형을 깨는 투표를 할 것이다.
Trump set to receive considerable blame
It appears Republican worries about the two run-off elections in Georgia were well-founded. Their voters did not show up at the polls in the kinds of numbers they were hoping. Meanwhile, Democrats turned out at higher levels. In county after county, both Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock outperformed their general election numbers.
조지아에서의 두 번의 재투표에 대한 공화당의 걱정은 기우가 아닌 것으로(충분한 이유가 있는 것으로) 나타났다. 그들의 투표자들은 그들이 바라는 숫자만큼 투표소에 나타나지 않았다. 반면, 민주당은 더 많은 투표자들이 있던 것으로 드러났다. 주 안팎으로(?), Jon Ossoff 와 Raphael Warnock는 총선에서 그들의 투표수를 능가했다.(numbers가 투표수로 판단됨, 의원 선거도 유권자 따로 투표인단 따로인가?)
The two Democrats at times ran as a team, and appeared to complement each other's electoral coalitions. Mr Warnock energised black voters across the state. Mr Ossoff drew out suburban and educated voters around Atlanta.
동시에 두 민주당 의원은 한 팀으로 선거를 치뤘고 각자의 선거연합에 보완한 것으로 나타났다. Warnock은 흑인 유권자들이 Ossoff에게 투표하도록 격려했고, Ossoff는 아틀란타 주 근처의 교외에 사는 지식인 유권자들에게 호소했다.(draw 가 끌다의 뜻이 있어서)
Donald Trump is set to receive considerable blame for the Republican defeat. The party that loses the White House usually does better in subsequent congressional elections, not worse. And Georgia, despite Joe Biden's victory there, is still a traditionally conservative state.
트럼프 대통령은 공화당의 패배의 주요 원인이라는 평가를 받기 시작했다.(처음에는 상당한 비난을 받기 시작했다로 해석했으나 원인으로 해석하는 게 더 맞는 거 같다.)공화당은 항상 이어지는 의회 선거에서 더 성적이 좋았고 떨어지지 않았는데 이번은 아니다(의회선거에 강했던 사실을 분실했다 즉, 이번에는 선거에 실패했다인데 저런 표현의 의역이 잘 안 됨)
Instead, the two races remained close, as Mr Trump spent most of his time and energy disputing his electoral defeat and lobbing attacks at Georgia's Republican leaders.
It turns out that may not have been a wise electoral strategy - and it will cost Republicans control of the Senate.
대신, 두 선거(대선과 상원 선건를 말하나?)는 트럼프 대통령이 선거 패배와 조지아주 공화당 리더에 대한 공격에 시간과 힘을 대부분 쓰고 있음에 따라 막상막하이다(매우 근접한 상태이다. )
How close were the votes?
Both races were very tight. Mr Warnock defeated Senator Kelly Loeffler by a projected 50.7% to 49.3%, figures from the Associated Press indicate.
Ms Loeffler, who was appointed to the Senate last year to fill a vacancy, is a Trump loyalist.
The other contest was even closer. Jon Ossoff edged ahead of Senator David Perdue, 70, taking 50.28% to 49.72%.
Final results are expected later.
President Trump continued to make unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud, doubting the integrity of the Georgia vote.
On Sunday, a recording emerged of Mr Trump putting pressure on Georgia's top election official, Brad Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, to "find" enough votes to overturn Mr Biden's win in the state.
Who are the senators-elect?
Raphael Warnock, 51, is a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta - the church where civil rights leader Martin Luther King once preached.
Mr Warnock was a youth pastor in New York City in the 1990s before moving to Baltimore, one of the poorest cities in the US.
There, he worked to educate his congregation about the risks of HIV/Aids. He also supports access to abortion, making him a rarity among faith leaders, and opposes the death penalty. In 2013, he gave the benediction at the second inauguration of President Barack Obama.
Jon Ossoff, 33, is a documentary filmmaker, born in Atlanta. As a high school student, he interned for John Lewis, the civil rights campaigner and congressman who died in 2020.
He became an aide to a Democratic member of Congress, specialising in foreign policy and national security.
In 2012, Mr Ossoff joined an independent production company specialising in investigative journalism, Insight TWI, which is based in London. He is now the CEO.
* 소요시간 : 62:22
* 후기 : 조지아주 선거를 엄청 주의깊게 보길래 선택해 봤는데 왜 그렇게 보는지는 잘 모르겠음. 블루웨이브가 성사되면서 인프라 관련 경제들이 좋아질 거라고 하던데...
* 단어
take control of : 장악, 지배하다.
respectively : 각각, 제각기
incumbent : 재임자
outgoing : 외향적인, 사교적인, 떠나는
blow : 바람이 불다, 바람
run-off : 2차 투표
turn out : 드러내다, 되다.
baptist : 침례교
preside : 주재, 주도하다.
tie-breaking : 균형을 깨는
considerable : 상당한, 많은
set to : 시작하다
well-founded : 사실에 입각한, 충분한 근거(이유)가 있는
electoral coalition : 선거 연합
electoral : 선거의
coalition : 연립정부, 연합
complement : 보완하다, 덧붙이다
outperform : 더 나은 결과를 내놓다, 능가하다.
energize : 열정, 열기, 활기를 돋우다, 동력을 공급하다
draw : 그리다, 끌다, 끌어당기다
blame : vt. ~을 탓하다, 책임으로 보다. n. 책임, 탓
lob : (공을 매우 높이) 던지다, 차다