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트럼프지지자들 미국 의사당에 난입 본문
아니, 미국 무슨 일이에요. 이런 일이 일어날 수도 있다는 게 놀랍다. 어이없는데 놀랍기도 해서 일단 기사는 2개를 찾아 놓음
Pro-Trump supporters have flooded DC to protest president's election loss
트럼프 지지자들이 선거 패배를 항의하고자 DC에 들이닥쳤다.
기사 출처 : edition.cnn.com/2021/01/06/politics/pro-trump-supporters-dc-protest/index.html
Pro-Trump supporters have flooded DC to protest president's election loss
Hundreds of law enforcement officers have mobilized across Washington, DC, as thousands of pro-Donald Trump supporters who refuse to accept the President's election loss have flocked to the nation's capital to protest as Congress gathers Wednesday afternoo
Hundreds of law enforcement officers have mobilized across Washington as thousands of supporters who refuse to accept President Donald Trump's election loss flooded the nation's capital Wednesday in protest -- in some cases sparring with authorities -- as Congress gathered to put the final stamp on President-elect Joe Biden's victory.
수백명의 법집행 공무원들이 바이든 당선자에 대한 최종 승인을 위한 의회 소집으로 대선 패배 수용을 거부하는 수천명의 지지자들이 시위 도중 - 공권력과 싸우는 몇 몇 사례도 있음 - 수요일에 워싱턴DC에 난입함에 따라 워싱턴을 가로질러 동원되고 있다.
(우와... 영어 공부용이 아니라 진짜 너무 놀라운 기사여서 해석해 보고 있는 지경)
Thousands of protesters gathered around the Washington Monument Wednesday morning as the Elton John song "Tiny Dancer" played from loud speakers. The song was interrupted by an announcement telling people to leave behind backpacks, chairs and flagpoles so people could get through a security checkpoint. Hundreds of people carried flags. Some were American, some were Trump 2020 flags, at least one said "F*CK BIDEN" with the letter U replaced by a flag symbol.
수천명의 시위자들은 시끄러운 스피커에서 나오는 엘튼 존의 "Tiny Dancer"를 부르며 수요일 아침 워싱턴 기념비 주위에 모였다. 노래는 보안 검문을 통과하기 위해 백팩, 의자, 깃대를 남겨둔 사람들에 대한 방송으로 중단되었다.
(보안 검문을 통과하려면 의자나 가방을 둬야 하나? 해석 오류 같은데... 아항, 검문 통과하려면 의자나 가방을 둬야 하는 것은 맞으나 해석이 잘 못 됨)
(구글 번역 : 노래는 사람들이 보안 검색대를 통과 할 수 있도록 배낭, 의자 및 깃대를 남겨 두라고 알리는 발표로 중단되었습니다.)
수천명의 사람들이 깃발들을 들었다. 어떤 이는 "American", 어떤 이는 트럼프 2020 깃발을, 최소 한 명은 "U"가 깃발 상징으로 교체된 "FXXX BIDEN"을 들고 있다.
As part of their preparations, police posted signs around the district warning of the illegality of gun possession during protests as Trump tweeted his support for the protesters, saying, "Our Country has had enough, they won't take it anymore!" and "We Hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office."
그들(공권력을 의미하는 것 같음)의 준비 중 한 부분으로, 경찰은 시위 도중 시위자들에 대한 지지를 언급한 트럼프의 "우리 나라는 충분하고 그들은 더 이상 가져갈 수 없다" 와 "우리는 대통령 집무실에서 들을 수 있고 사랑한다." 라는 트윗이 올라오는 동안 구역 근처에 총기 소유는 불법이라는 경고하는 사인을 게시했다.
The Department of Homeland Security, which has staffed a "Virtual Situation Room" to help communication between different agencies, is "not currently tracking any active threats," spokesman Alexei Woltornist said.
국토안보국(The Department of Homeland Security)은 다른 정부기관 사이의 의사 소통을 돕기 위한 "가상의 상황실" 직원을 채용했다.
"현재는 어떤 위협을 추적하지 않는다" 고 대변인이 말했다.
Trump traveled a short distance from the White House to the rally Wednesday morning. About 20 aides were outside awaiting Trump's departure, audibly shouting "Save our country" as he boarded his SUV. Trump gave a fist bump and appeared to blow a kiss.
트럼프는 백악관에서 수요일 아침까지 시위(rally?)를 가까이에서 둘러 봤다. 약 20명의 지원자들이 밖에서 트럼프의 출발을 대기하며 대통령이 차에 탈 때 "나라를 구하세요"라고 들을 수 있게 소리쳤다. 트럼프는 주먹인사와 손키스로 답했다.
Trump addressed a large, tightly packed and largely maskless crowd of supporters on the Ellipse. His remarks got off to an inauspicious start as Trump's microphone appeared to be turned off as he began speaking.
트럼프는 마스크 없이 밀집해 있는 큰 규모의 엘립스의 지지자들에게 연설했다.(오마갓, 일일 확진자 10만명씩 나오던 나라에서) 그의 발언은 연설을 시작하자 마이크가 꺼지는 불길한 출발로 시작했다.
"We can't hear you!" members of the audience were heard shouting on the video feed, though he appeared unaware and kept speaking.
Moments later, audio was restored, and Trump was railing against the media.
그는 알아 채지 못 한 채 연설을 계속했으나 "안 들려요"라고 청중들이 비디오 피드에서 소리치는 것이 들린다.
나중에 음향이 복구되었고 트럼프는 미디어에 대해 격분하고 있었다.
Trump's speech included calls for his vice president to step outside his constitutional bounds and overturn the results of the election.
트럼프의 연설은 부통령이 (헌)법적 한계를 벗어나서 선거 결과를 뒤집자는 요청을 포함한다.
"Hope Mike is going to do the right thing," Trump said at a rally on the Ellipse. "If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election."
"마이크가 작동하길 바랍니다" 대통령은 엘립스의 집회에서 말했다. "만일 Mike Pence가 바른일을 한다면, 우리는 선거에서 이긴다"
Pence released a letter he wrote to congress Wednesday just after noon, saying he wouldn't object to Biden's victory.
A large glass barrier shielded Trump from the crowd, similar to when he spoke in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the Fourth of July 2019.
Pence는 수요일 정오 직후 바이든의 당선을 반대하지 않는다고 언급한 의회에 썼던 편지를 발표했다. 2019년 7월 4일에 링컨 기념관 앞에서 연설했을 때처럼 거대한 유리 장벽이 대중으로부터 트럼프를 보호했다
Ahead of Trump's speech, Rudy Giuliani was addressing the rally on the Ellipse, baselessly repeating claims that voting machines were "crooked," and continuing to insist that Pence can do something today to change the election's outcome, which he does not have power to do. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
트럼프의 연설에 앞서, Rudy Giuliani가 엘립스 집회에서 연설했었다. 근거 없이 투표 기계가 정직하지 않다는 주장을 반복했고
그럴 권한이 없는 Pence가 오늘 선거 결과를 바꿀 뭔가를 할 수 있다는 주장을 계속했다. 널리 퍼진 사기는 증거가 없다.
"Let's have trial by combat!" Giuliani told the enthusiastic crowd.
"전투로 시도해 봅시다" Giuliani는 열광적인 대중에게 말했다.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser said the District is "absolutely prepared" for protests and announced that that at least ten people were arrested overnight related to the protests. At least one person was arrested for carrying an unlicensed gun and six people were charged with assault, including one for assaulting a police officer.
DC 시장은 그 구역이 시위자들에 대해 "완벽하게 준비되었다" 고 말하며 시위와 관련된 최소 열명이 밤 사이에 구속되었다고 발표했다. 최소 한 명이 불법 총기 소지로 구속되었고 경찰을 폭행한 한 명을 포함한 여섯명이 폭행으로 기소되었다
"We had several arrests related to that activity, but not a single one of them was a DC resident," she said.
Authorities -- a mix that includes local police, National Guard and federal uniformed officers -- had already arrested several people ahead of demonstrations including the leader of the Proud Boys, a far-right group that Trump directly addressed during an autumn debate to "stand back and stand by."
"우리는 이 시위와 관련된 몇 명을 구속했으나 그 들 누구도 DC 거주자가 아니다."
당국은 -- 지방 경찰, 주방위군과 연방 정부 공무원을 포함한 -- 이미 시위에 앞서 선거 토론 동안 트럼프가 직접 언급한 극우 그룹인 the Proud Boys의 리더를 포함한 몇 명을 구속했다.
The Proud Boys' leader, Henry Tarrio, who goes by Enrique Tarrio, was released from police custody Tuesday on charges related to a protest last month and ordered by a local judge to stay out of DC as he awaits trial, including during this week's protests.
The Proud Boys의 리더인 Henry Tarrio는 지난 달 시위와 관련되어 기소되면서 경찰 구류에서 석방된 Enrique Tarrio를 따르고 재판을 기다리면서 DC에 머무는 동안 지역 판사를 따랐었다.
Gun-free zones
In the days leading up to Wednesday's planned march, police posted signs declaring areas where they expect protesters gun-free zones between Monday and Thursday. "ALL firearms prohibited within 1000 feet of this sign," they read, taped to light poles.
Protesters dressed in pro-Trump regalia gathered Tuesday across the city while others posted photos of their travel to Wednesday's rally on social media. Several speakers on Tuesday led the crowds in chants of "four more years," even as Trump has all but exhausted legal avenues for turning the tide against Biden.
One after another, speakers put forth claims that the election was stolen, imploring people to "fight" for victory on Wednesday. Trump's loss has been reaffirmed by courts and state election officials dozens of times since the election.
Tuesday's speakers included Trump adviser Roger Stone, who was convicted of lying to Congress, obstruction and threatening a witness before being pardoned by the President.
"We don't trust the media's crystal ball" on the election results and the finalization of the Electoral College count by Congress on Wednesday, said Dustin Stockton, one of the march organizers. But, he said, "it's clear that Wednesday will be historic."
"(Trump) still has cards to play that he hasn't played," Stockton said. "We won't stop fighting until the President does."
A DC police spokesman, Sean Hickman, would not comment on police staffing for the demonstrations or say whether they'd attempt to keep pro-Trump supporters separate from counterprotesters. It's also not clear how aggressive police will be in enforcing the district's gun laws.
"As with any known, large demonstration, we will continue to monitor and assess each activity, and plan accordingly with our local and federal law enforcement partners," Hickman said.
Federal agencies over the summer created confusion during protests by sending agents into demonstrations in unmarked vehicles and without names, agencies or other identifiers on uniforms. Congress passed a law requiring federal agents to wear some unique identifier on their clothing while working protests.
A letter Tuesday from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to the Department of Justice regarding the upcoming protests noted problems police had encountered when armed officers working for federal agencies staffed protests without identification over the summer, including in Lafayette Park.
This "caused confusion among residents and visitors and could become a national security threat with no way for MPD and federal law enforcement to decipher armed groups," Bowser wrote.
Armed and unidentifiable federal agents dressed in camouflage arrested protesters in Portland, Oregon, over the summer and took them away in unmarked vehicles. Federal officials later identified them as agents of the US Customs and Border Protection, but they weren't wearing name badges or agency identifiers.
Around the same time, Trump branded anti-racism protesters in the country as "terrorists," and promised to "surge" paramilitary-style units into other cities. Outrage over the tactics led to Congress passing the law requiring identifying marks on federal agents working protests.
US Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, also wrote to federal officials Monday reminding them of this new law.
"Members of the armed forces and federal law enforcement personnel responding to civil disturbances are now required to visibly display both their name or an individual identifier, and the name of the armed force, or federal entity by which they are employed," he wrote.
The US Bureau of Prisons sent 100 "specially trained officers" to the Department of Justice in DC to supplement department facility security, Justin Long, a spokesman for that agency, said Tuesday. They'll function as a "reserve" for other Justice Department security teams.
Mark Morgan, the senior official performing the duties of the commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection, said Tuesday that the agency has not been asked to deploy agents but added that it has a "modest, quick reactionary force that will be on standby just in case our assistance is requested."
Ken Cuccinelli, the senior official performing the duties of the Homeland Security deputy secretary, said the agency is "prepared to surge personnel, as needed."
"Secret Service is at the heart of a lot of this stuff. They have a long history. ... And we're coordinating, not just the Service coordinating, but to the extent the Federal Protective Service, which is protecting literally dozens of locations around the city, has any need for backup, we're prepared for that," Cuccinelli said.
"Obviously, we hope all these different protests go off peacefully, but we are prepared to surge personnel, as needed, where needed across the district in coordination with DOJ and then local authorities, as well, are so intimately involved."
Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller on Monday approved a request from the District of Columbia to deploy a limited number of DC National Guard forces to support the Metropolitan Police Department and fire department. The guardsmen will not be armed and be mostly assisting with traffic control.
The Proud Boys
Expected at the rallies are members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group seen often in black and yellow at Trump rallies and who sometimes engage in street fights with far-left protesters. Affiliates of the group have also shown apparent ties to Stone, including at his criminal trial in late 2019. This comes about a month after a Proud Boys protest ended with stabbings and the burning of a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a Black church.
Tarrio was arrested Monday and charged in connection with the burning of the banner and ordered released from police custody on Tuesday. The judge ordered him to stay out of the District of Columbia except for his own court appearances until further notice, according to court records.
Tarrio had two high-capacity gun magazines when police arrested him, according to authorities, and he was also charged with possession of a high-capacity feeding device.
Tarrio did not return CNN's calls or texts Monday. He took responsibility for burning the banner last month, writing in a post on the social media website Parler that "against the wishes of my attorney I am here today to admit that I am the person responsible for the burning of this sign."
He also posted on social media that Proud Boys members would be "incognito" for this week's protests.
Tuesday's protesters chanted "Enrique" in support of Tarrio. A few speakers also went on anti-mask rants, one of them saying masks worn to prevent the spread of coronavirus are a means of "control" for officials "trying to take your freedom away." A vast majority of the several hundred people at Freedom Plaza were not wearing masks throughout the afternoon and evening.
Founded in 2016, the Proud Boys group lists among its central tenets a belief in "closed borders" and the aim of "reinstating a spirit of Western chauvinism." In online statements, it's claimed it has used violence only in self-defense. Members are often seen carrying firearms and bats and donning protective gear. The group's ideology has been labeled "misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-immigration" by the Anti-Defamation League.
CNN's Christina Carrega, Evan Perez, Katelyn Polantz, Geneva Sands, Brian Todd and Barbara Starr contributed to this report.
* 소요시간 : 1:01:33
* 후기 : 선진국이라며 뭐 이래요.
코로나로 인해 내가 어릴 적부터 선진국이라고 생각해 왔던 나라들의 실체가 드러나는 걸 여러 번 본다.
애걔걔... 너네 별 거 없네 ㅋㅋㅋ 이런 기분이 드는데 어릴 때는 선진국이 대단하다고 생각했어서인지 안타깝진 않은데 기분이 묘하다.
* 단어
mobilize : 동원되다, 동원하다, 집결시키다
get through : 통과하다, 빠져 나가다
Oval Office : 백악관 내 대통령 집무실
audibly : 들리도록, 들을 수 있게
inauspicious : 상서롭지 못 한, 불길한
remark : 발언, 논평 / 언급[말/논평/발언]하다
constitutional : 헌법의, 합법적인
bounds : 한계, 한도
overturn : 뒤집다, 뒤집히다
rail : 난간 / 격분하다.
rally : 집회, 랠리(자동차 경주) / 결집[단결]하다[시키다]
crooked : 비뚤어진, 구불어진, 부정직한
baselessly : 기초 없이, 근거 없이
widespread : 광범위한, 널리 퍼진
assault : 폭행
charge : 요금, 기소, 고발, 비난 / 요금을 청구하다, 기소,고소하다
National Guard : (미국)주방위군
go by : 지나가다, 따르다
custody : 양육, 관리, 유치, 구류